Day trading for beginners, that’s probably why you’re here you’re wondering how to get started as a day trader in stock market, but you’re running into some issues. One being you don’t really have any clarity about how to get started. Hence why you’re here – and you probably also have a little bit of anxiety, trying to learn about what exactly to do and the most important thing about getting started in day trading is getting started.

The correct way. So in today’s video I’m going to give you my top five things you need to know and any knowledge and understand to get started correctly in the stock market. What’s up guys cameron foose here with iconic traitors? I have been day trading for the last 14 years: mentoring people for 10 and traveling the world day trading.

For the last three on this channel. We will be giving you all the tips and tricks on how to become a better day trader. So if that sounds like something interesting to you hit the subscribe button, but let’s get to it.

So we are here today to learn more about getting started as a day trader for a beginner in the stock market, but you know to understand the game of day trading. You first need to understand more so the. Why about why? So many people fail.

Okay and there’s a statistic out there that about 90 % of people that actually try to learn money in the stock market. They fail, but it’s actually probably more about 95 %. That’s something that I would put my guesstimate on.

After doing this for 14 years teaching people how to do it, but why does that happen? Why is that number so big? So that would bring me to the number one thing you need to understand about the stock market, how it works and why so many people fail. So in part, one of my top five things that you need to understand about getting started in the stock market is that there’s no regulations for entry into this game now picture yourself at an mba basketball game. The court is filled with people who are qualified, went through a vast amount of training and were handpicked by other professionals to exclusively be there.

So, there’s only professionals at this court now being the stock market, the only people that are winning that 5 % are similar to the nba players, making money. They went through all the right processes to get to this elite level. This league, where they’re actually making money the other 95 % – those are the people in the stands now. Can the people on the stands just go down the court and be like hey coach put me in.

I want to learn and do this today right now. Of course, not that’s not feasible. That’s not realistic.

They’re not going to be able to compete. They’re not going to be able to compete with the people on the court and actually score points or even get close to winning the game, but in the stock market any buddy with a bank account in a social security number can start today and open an account And start training, so obviously there is going to be a huge amount of people that are losing money in the stock market when the barrier of entry there is no barriers. All you need is a bank account and a social security number to actually get started, and you don’t need a social security there, but that’s just in the us. Anybody from anything there anywhere in the world can start day trading if they have a wifi connection.

Basically, so that’s the biggest thing you need to understand, first and foremost about why so many people are losing money in the stock market, because there’s no regulations holding just anybody off the street to come into the stock market and start day trading on day, one with No experience whatsoever, so that brings me to the number two thing you need to understand about getting started as a day trader in the stock market, and that would be education, everybody that goes through anything to become an elitelevel to become a doctor lawyer professional. This is a profession, okay, and in order to become a professional, you have to go through a lot of education and a lot of training. This is no different in the stock market, so you need to learn that should be your number one priority as a day trader is learn as much as you can and not just learn anything. You should learn from somebody that you respect learns from somebody that you look up to and learn from somebody that you connect on a deeper level than other than just money.

Okay, that kind of comes down to the. Why of why you’re actually doing this so there’s various ways to learn how to day trade the stock market number one where I started was books. Okay. This was a long time ago, maybe about fourteen yes, fourteen years ago, when I read my first book and there’s pros and cons of reading books for day trading number one con would be that day.

Trading is a very, very visual game and it’s a lot easier to learn by watching videos, then by reading texts in a book, because when you’re day trader you’re literally looking at a screen. Looking at charts looking at level two things happening in real time very, very quickly, so to read a book about day. Training in text makes it very difficult to actually learn something practical about date range. So, as far as book recommendations go, I don’t really have any big recommendations.

Other than reading a book I’ll give you one recommendation right now: trading in the zone and that’s more so about mental clarity and the psychology of which we’ll get into later in this video. But as far as learning a strategy from a book, I wouldn’t typically recommend it. Number two part about learning would be through youtube.

Just like you’re learning from me. Right now, youtube is a beast: it’s the number two search engine in the world and it’s mostly people. Looking for searching for how to do something when people go to youtube and they’re actually using the search option, it’s because they’re learning or wanting to learn how to do something and that’s exactly what you’re doing here.

There’s a lot of free information out there on youtube, which is also what I’m providing for you here right now. The biggest con about youtube is that most people, when they’re creating youtube videos. They do it topic by topic and that’s kind of to actually get the algorithm for people to find exactly what you’re searching for and when we were searching for something specific you’re, not getting the full entire program or the actual full entire knowledge or systematic structure.

Of what you’re actually trying to learn so while you can learn a lot of specific little topic, things on youtube to get an actual full program or full encyclopedia of what you’re actually trying to learn youtube can have its limits, because then you have to spend a Lot of time actually going and searching for all that information, and how are you going to piece that together number three part about education would be finding a mentor okay and that’s where I come in? Okay, that’s what I’ve been doing for the last ten years. That’s who are either had mentor michael spinoza, who is also a former student. That’s all we focus on is mentoring, you guys in an actual systemized and formal educational classes.

Ninety days, what we’re doing mike is also doing live broadcasts on our youtube channel here mondays through fridays. So you definitely want to check that out, but the the best way to learn would be from somebody who has already been doing it for a long time consistently and actually showing you know what is actually going on in just put it into a formal package where It’s systemized, okay, that’s exactly what we have in a 90day program month, one month two month, three all systematically teaching you exactly everything you need to know a twosie stepbystep process on how to day trade. So that’s the structure, but the downside of that is it cost money.

Youtube is free books, cost little money but they’re, not visual youtube. You have to spend a lot of your own time, trying to piece together everything together mentorship programs. It’s a systemized structure built by professionals number three now this is kind of the most technical thing that we need to learn. Hence why it’s called technical analysis? Okay, if you don’t know what technical analysis is.

This is the study of chart patterns and at some point I believe this happen like and with candlesticks and like japan a long time ago. I don’t even know, but someone started realizing that in markets past history started repeating itself, which then they decided. Maybe we can predict future price action by analyzing everything.

That’s happened in the past and try to recognize these patterns that were precursors to moves that happen that either moved up or down. That’s basically, all technical analysis is. Is a study of past price action to predict future price action and as more and more people started to adopt this habit, it kind of started? Turning into a selffulfilling prophecy of once, you see a certain pattern, hence like a breakout pattern once that actually triggered the breakout.

All that meant was that a lot of people were watching the same thing in that meant a buy signal, so it kind of turned into a selffulfilling prophecy, known as technical analysis. Now technical analysis is a pretty dry subject matter: okay, there’s some basics that you can learn trend lines, support resistance. You need to have the fundamental knowledge of technical analysis. You can find out any of any of this information for free online or through a book again.

Books are a little bit dry for reading. I would suggest other youtube videos or you can find articles online about the basics of technical analysis. I read a book back in like 2000 and six, maybe by jack, swagger called technical analysis.

It’s probably still around it’s basically just the most boring book. I’ve ever read just understanding the chart, but technical analysis is one of the first skill sets that you need to understand to make money in the stock market, and you know basically what I’m going to do right now here guys is just break down. The only skill sets you need and then break down the false beliefs of what you think you need to understand. So number one is technical analysis.

Number two is level two now level. Two is basically just an illustration of the supply and demand of an individual stock. You have the bid and you have the ask: that’s basically, the buyers and the sellers now, there’s actually people who have already put orders on both sides of the stock, so you can actually kind of get an idea of where this stock might be going in a Very short term bias in the next seconds, 30 seconds, 30 minutes just by looking at level two so level. Two as a day trader is probably the most important thing that you need to understand and learn because you’re actually seeing behind the scenes.

Everything starts with level. Two in time and sales, okay, so you actually see in the orders being executed, and then you go look at the chart and see what’s actually happening on the chart, but it all starts with level two so level. Two is definitely something that you need to get a deep and vast knowledge of, because all a stock’s movement is is supply and demand and that breaks down to emotion, people’s human emotions. So you need to understand both those two things: supply and demand, which is level two and also understand, chart history and chart patterns and that’s technical analysis.

The third thing you need to understand is that not all price action is technically real. Okay, there are a lot of different chat rooms out there, a lot of different manipulation out there, where you might look at a stock blowing up fifty to a hundred percent in the stock market. You’re like.

Why is this moving? There’s? No news, there’s! No! Nothing! Okay and a lot of times it’s because there’s some chat room out there, pumping it up who frontruns their subscribers say: hey guys, I’m fine, this stock. For this reason this is it I’m going over the top right here right now, cuz, I know more than anybody. It could be anything they don’t have to give an explanation, but their followers are dedicated fans they’re like well. If he’s doing it, I’m going to do it too, but the person who is recommending that stock is typically trying to push price action in their favor so that they can sell into their own following buying into this, because usually they are recommending a stock.

That’s a low flow and that basically means that there’s not a lot of shares on the open market, and so they can manipulate it with a small group of people such as a chatroom that they’re actually running but they’re actually manipulating price action manipulate manipulating their subscribers. At their own benefit, and maybe a very small portion, if any of their own, subscribers might make money on it, but the most of them are going to, get stuck holding the bag and losing out on the opportunity or actually being part of the downside where we Actually short, shorting is where you’re actually making money when stocks fall down, but now that’s something: you’re going to learn more into a more indepth educational process that we teach in our programs, but in day trading you need to understand that a lot of price action out There is manipulated, so you can only take it with a grain of salt and it can also manipulate technical analysis, alright guys, so those are basically the top three skill sets that you need to learn to know how, to day trade, those technical analysis, learning level two And time and sales and understanding that there’s a lot of price action manipulation. Now a lot of people come to me and be like foose. You must be a numbers guy, you day, trade, the stock market, I’m like I suck at math, I’m not a numbers guy.

At all, once the bill comes for dinner and, like I don’t know how to calculate this, somebody else do this. Okay, like you, don’t need to know anything to do with math to understand day trading. This is not a numbers game. This is an intuition game.

It’s a human psychology game. It’s a understanding of pattern, recognition, game! Okay, you don’t need to know anything about math to make money in the stock market. The only thing the only numbers need to look at is how much money I made today and how much money I today and then you calculate the profit and loss on that, and hopefully you made some money in addition to that.

You honestly don’t need to know anything about finance, stock market or accounting. A lot of people also, you know, look at me and be like. Oh man, you must know a lot about the stock market.

You must know a lot about finance. You must know a lot about the economy. You must do a lot about accounting.

You must know a lot about looking at the infrastructure of a business and understanding if it’s a healthy company or not. I don’t know anything about any of that. Okay, because it’s unnecessary, unless you’re doing you know, I don’t even know financial advisor or whatever you want to call it, you don’t need to know any of that stuff to understand day trading.

All we’re trying to do is take advantage of shortterm movements in the stock market within the first 90 minutes of the day, and all that is is taking advantage of a momentum, and all that is is understanding. Human psychology and it’s understanding why patterns happen and how can we manage the risk when we identify these patterns? So there’s a big misconception that you need to know a lot about the stock market, the sec finance. I don’t know anything about any of that, because I’ve never had to put any time into learning in it in the last 14 years of my career, it’s because it’s been 100 % unnecessary.

So literally, at the end of the day, guys, the only three things you need to know to make money in the stock market is technical analysis level, two and understanding that there’s a lot of manipulation out there in the stock market. But how do you take advantage? It, how do you take advantage of that manipulation? Most important thing is that you understand that it’s actually there so moving on to number four now in the last one, we just talked about skills which a lot of people think that’s what’s going to make them a bunch of money in the stock market, but I Am I’m here to burst your bubble that your skillset, whatever somebody’s secret strategy, is all out of it’s? It’s not. You know you need a strategy to make money in the stock market, but those skillsets only account for about 10 to 15 percent of what you actually need to make money in the stock market. Our trading system, our 90day program, it’s a we’ll proof system.

All right. I guarantee that it’s 100 % of able to make money, but here’s what the problem is. Even though that system is foolproof, humans are not okay, we got brain issues, we got psychology issues, so that brings me up to number four, which is psychology trading mindset. Okay and there’s a lot of people out there who just sell some course about hey, follow my secret pattern system, my secret scanners.

All that doesn’t mean anything if you can’t click buy and sell at the exact moment when you need to, and how do you do that? How do you click find? So when you exactly need to, when you got fear and greed knocking on both doors and you’re frantic, you got anxiety and you’re, not calm, cool and collect okay, you can’t so that’s the problem with all those skill sets that I just talked about, which are 100 % necessary, if you don’t have the mental discipline to actually follow that skillset and follow that strategy. You’re, never going to make money, and that’s why you’re trading psychology is literally at the end of the day. The only thing that’s going to make you money in the stock market.

So what does that mean? That means that you have to focus primarily on as a day trader, reducing external and internal stress in your life. Okay, you have to come to the day trading setup. Every single day, with a calm, cool and collected whatever happened yesterday, if you had some losses, you have to come to the trading station today, ready and prepared. Knowing that whatever happened yesterday is gone today is a brand new day.

You need to clear your mind if you have a fight with your girlfriend. Didn’t sleep. Well, maybe you shouldn’t trade that day, okay, you’re trading. Psychology is the number one thing that you have to focus on: to make money as a day trader and that’s a misconception that a lot of people don’t even think about.

Okay, I think our program is one of the only programs out there online that actually have a whole seven hour course dedicated to trading psychology. I don’t know any other mentorship program that has that in there and that’s what we do in our in our final part of our course after you learn all the skill sets everything you need to know about day trading. We go seven into our mindset, because that is the number one thing you need to make money date rings.

So how do you reduce stress in your life? Just some quick tips would be one obviously working out number two heat therapy going to the sauna. I hear the sauna every day I work out almost every day. Two three would be yoga. Okay, yoga is a great place to get away from your phone.

Even when I go to the gym. What am I doing? I’m like hmm, tinder, instagram emails slack. Okay, that’s stress, that’s distractions go to a yoga class, you can’t have your phone in there and it’s also. If you go to a heated yoga class, you just almost get a sauna mode.

You get a workout mode and it’s kind of like an allaround combination of one and a great stress reducer. So that is number four guys, and probably the most important thing you need as a day trader, is being able to have a calm, cool and collected and be cool as a cucumber when you day trade, so number five. Our final topic and thing that you need to know understand, acknowledge to get started as a day trader, and that is your trading tools.

Now this is the most common question I get fus. What tools do you use booth? What broker to use fus? What platform to use okay, great questions the problem is: everyone starts asking these questions before they start asking: hey foose. How do you learn how to day trade, hey foose? What sort of strategy should I be focusing on to make money in stock market or foods? Hey? How do I learn the basics of training psychology so that, once I start day trading, I’m not freaking out about when I should buy her when I should sell these are the questions people should be asking when they get started, but everybody thinks that there’s going to Be some magic tool, magic platform, that’s going to make them a bunch of money in the stock market and it sucks that there’s that misconception out there. But people still want to know what those tools are.

So I’m not going to give you the exact brandname tools that I actually use. I will give you those, but right now, I’m just going to talk about what actually you need to get started in the stock market. First you’re going to need a broker. Okay.

Now, whether you’re from the us or outside of the us, we are partnered with two different companies say it doesn’t matter. Okay, let’s have another big common question I get is what, from outside of the us doesn’t matter as long as you have wifi and some cash, you can open an account and it’s actually a benefit to be outside of the us. The broker that were partnered with has more benefits in the us one, because the us has a bunch of regulations uncle sam coming in hot to us over, but that’s not the issue. Okay, so a broker.

All it really does is just hold your money in an account, and then it usually provides you a platform where you can execute your trades. Aka buy and sell stock short and cover a stock, and then you either give money away because you lost it or you take money in from the money pool, because you made it hopefully you’re making money after you go through our courses. But if you didn’t get educated you’re, probably just dishing it out to other people like me, and our students who are taking that money from you so, first and foremost, you need a broker number two.

You need a charting platform. Now, a lot of your brokers are going to have a built in charting platform. Some of them are good. Some of them are really.

I recommend I’ll give you this recommendation. This is the one I’ll give. You is tc 2000. This is a company that I’ve been using for many many years.

It’s the most fully functional robust charting platform out there. I definitely recommend using it. I’ve been using it for probably almost a decade and it’s definitely the number one charting platform out there there’ll be a link below. If you want that charting platform number three you’re going to need a scanning tool or a stock screener.

Now, when I wake up – and I come to the pre market with my trading setup – and I look at what’s going on first – I’m looking at pre market to see what actually happened, if there’s any movers news, but during the market session, I need this realtime scanner. Analyzing, the stock markets, second by second actually millisecond by millisecond, letting me know. If there’s any movements happen because typically stocks, they move on news or something the news might come out late, but the scanner is going to pick up.

If there’s a volume spike or something in all sinan, I see that opportunity before we even know why it’s moving okay and I strictly focus on pattern. Okay, I basically I buy now I’ll ask questions later, because I want a piece of this move and it’s if I see the pattern that I’m looking for, I don’t give a about what the news is. Yet I want to be first on the scene and you need a stock scanner to make that happen.

So those are the three things that you mean as far as platform tools as a broker, a charting platform which I’ll give you my freebie mail. My tc mm that I use and then also a stock screener. Now, if you want to know actually what those are, I have a top 5 market tools that I use it’s absolutely free.

All I ask is that you, let me teach you in my free masterclass. There’s going to be a link in the bio below. If you come join me and you actually watch it.

You’re going to first of all learn a bunch of stuff about kind of what our program is and just for doing that. I’m going to give you my top 5 trading tools and platforms that we use whether you’re from outside the us, whether you’re from inside the us it’s absolutely free and I’ll. Give you that top five tools trading checklist now! Listen guys! If you don’t know kind of my intro to the stock market, I didn’t make money for my first three years as a day trader and that sucked I did it while I was in college.

Basically, I started my sophomore year and by my senior year I dropped out because I started my business and I also started making money in the stock market, but I don’t want to see you go down that same path. Okay, I want to see you have $ 70000 months. Like I pad okay, I don’t want to see you go through three years of what the hell am I doing before.

You actually learn how to date rate, so that was one of the biggest mistakes that I made in the beginning. Was I tried to wing it and the the longest road to success is by winging it or you can learn from somebody. Who’s actually done it before and has actually gone through all those obstacles before and that’s what I have done and that’s what I do exactly for my students, okay and how we actually teach our students is through a 90 day program.

You’re going to get fus for one two and three: that’s learning at a swing trade learning how to day trade learning how to short, then we close it off with cloud nine, which is about seven hours of learning trading psychology. You also get days a week, mentorship classes with our top trader, michael spinoza. Ok, so literally you can spend three years of your life around like I did trying to learn a day trade or you can spend three months in our program. The choice is yours, it’s up to you, but anyways guys.

I really want this video just to be about free information, so you guys can learn more about the opportunity of day trading and learn a lot more clarity about how to get started in day trading. Okay, so I want to hear more about what you guys thought about this video. What was your favorite part about this video and if you want to leave a comment below in addition to that, what else do you want me to talk about? I would love to give as much free value for you guys on a daily basis or not daily, I’m a daily youtuber but weekly basis for you guys and don’t forget to hit the subscribe button. Also, every monday and friday, michael spinoza, is going to, be live streaming on this channel, giving you guys free value, free information, free live trading, anyways guys like comment subscribe I’ll catch you in the next episode, I’m out.

Iconic traders, camera crews, here, peace,